Monday, 30 May 2011

Cracking day NOT

After a very good night of having a couple of friends over for food and wine on saturday we are still recovering.

On a plus note we installed our pond pump. Took over 30mins before we had it in the correct place and with the correct nozzle on for the specific spray pattern. I was borderline slipping in a few times. Luckily my centre of gravity held out.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Pixelpipes the bad boy

I was checking my blogs to see if they posted properly. Then surprise I saw my daughters photos I posted yesterday to Facebook. They were messing in old fancy dress costumes and my Mrs's bra and my undies.
How on earth?
They were also on my twitter feed.
Now innocently as they were I could I have caused myself some serious issues. On Facebook I post pics of the girls all the time during their daftness sessions. But anywhere else pics of 13 and 12 year olds just appearing in bra and knickers could look very bad without any context behind the.
Still i was confused.
The culprit was the app Pixelpipes. Pipes are accounts of other software / web sites where you can upload multiple pics at the same time. However I had unknown to me all accounts selected. Pics flying up the pipes everywhere.
I have removed them from where they are not supposed to be.
Internet police can bugger off.


Every now and then I look back over the previous year to see what's occurred and to see what we can do to improve our services.
However this time round its been a bit depressing. In 12 months, 5 dogs have passed away. One customer passed away and her dog was rehomed. And a few customers are on long term sickness or unemployed so our services are on hold for an unknown period.
Day by day we notice it happen but its quite a shock to add it all up.
Without trying to sound insensitive to the pain of others,  its quite a financial cut in income.
Time for a major advertising campaign.

Pump day

Yesterday we got our pump/filter for the pond. However we haven't got our outside electric socket installed yet. Luckily its getting done on Sunday while we have a predicted hangover (in advance - curse you Andy and Luisa)
Then all systems go for our water feature.
Next week we are getting Mr Big Fish to join Mr Little Fish. Dare say Ill be sat there watching them swim round and round and round. Strangely theraputic on a nice sunny day.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Crazy Thursday afternoon

We spent an afternoon with Basil, Buddy, Flopsie, Tiger  and Wrinkle in the garden. Little fish was swimming hard and fast in his/her new pond. Seems a little lonely. But soon we will have big fish to join little fish.
Flopsie ran around and bothered all. Big bully rabbit.

Monday, 16 May 2011

Splitting Water To Create Renewable Energy Simpler Than First Thought?

Yet another test

This time Im testing my android app to compare upload techniques.

Testing of email pic load.

One day I went into a house to collect a dog, but I saw this instead. A murdered horse. I cried for hours at the shock

Email tester

Just tester out adding to blogger via an email
Technology great isnt it??

Friday, 13 May 2011

1st post

After Facebook and Twitter and their character limitations, I have decided to try something a little more when I can type and type and ramble on. However I have nothing to type right now while I work out how to include this in my website, and / or facebook page.

So for now check me out at
Facebook page - Uncle Erics Pet Care Service
Twitter - ImUncleEric